AT4G23050 / Anti-PAS domain-containing protein tyrosine kinase family protein Antibody

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 Immunogen: AT4G23050    O82754       
 Synonyms: AT4G23050


AT4G23050 is a member of RAF-related MAPKKKs (mitogen activated protein kinase kinase kinases), classified as subgroup B2 in Arabidopsis MAPKKKs. It contains two domains: a PAS domain and a kinase domain. And many PAS-containing proteins are involved in the sensing of environmental stimuli, such as oxygen, redox or light.
Grouped product items
SKU Product Description Size Type Purification Price Qty
PHY1430S AT4G23050, N-terminal Antibody 150 μg Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody Serum
PHY6000 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG H&L (HRP) 1 ml Goat Polyclonal Antibody Protein A Purified